In addition to the tragedy and death caused by COVID-19, this pandemic has created extreme disruption in many industries and for many businesses and their employees. While many of these businesses like gyms, restaurants, and other service businesses have no choice but close (hopefully, temporarily), Kramer Industries is in the very fortunate position to be able to use our experience, resources, and knowledge of our employees to provide help in this time of crisis.
Our background in providing surface finishing compounds lead us straight to the production of Hand Sanitizer. With the guidance of the FDA, we are now offering significant quantities of Hand Sanitizer in quart spray bottles, gallon jugs, 5 gallon pails, and 55 gallon drums.
While we have been in continuous operation since the pandemic started, we have been maintaining distancing in our facilities and need to find ways to keep our people safe once we back to ‘regular’ operations. This Hand Sanitizer will be instrumental in allowing us to do so.
One of the main reasons we are offering this product is to help other businesses safely open back up and keep their facilities and employees feeling and being safe in more crowded spaces. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.