Distributor and Reseller of

New Age Blast Media

New Age Blast Media is manufactured from 100% recycled bottle glass. Kramer Industries is the authorized New Age Blast Media distributor and reseller. Additional technical information about this product is available on the Crushed Glass Grit page.


The manufacturing process for New Age Blast Media reduces the post-consumer crushed glass and strips the contaminants and waste by-products from the glass. The crushed glass grit is then sized and screened to the exact specifications required for abrasive blasting needs. New Age Blast Media has no-detectable levels of crystalline-silica, commonly found in sand and some minerals.

The angular particles of New Age Blast Media allow for aggressive surface profiling and removal of coatings such as such as epoxy, paint, alkyds, vinyl, polyurea, coal tar and elastomerics. Having similar hardness to many slags, 6.0 on Mohs Scale, New Age Blats Media is lighter weight than many slags which allows for increased consumption efficiency and production time. New Age Blast Media delivers very low particle embedment (less than 2%) which produces a whiter (SP-10) finish to the substrate.

New Age Blast Media has been added to the Qualified Products List by the US Navy. Crushed glass is qualified under MIL-A-2262-B, Amendment-2 – Abrasive Blasting Media Ship Hull, Blast Cleaning. Based on toxicological safety evaluations by the Naval Environmental Health Center (NEHC), New Age Blast Media could be safely used for its intended purpose. The addition of crushed glass to QPL includes Coarse (10-40 mesh) and Medium (40-70 mesh).

EPA’s Recovered Materials Advisory Notice recommends high recycled-content levels for purchasing blasting grit in its Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG). New Age Blast Media glass blasting grit is 100% post-consumer content. The Recovered Materials Advisory Notices (RMANs) provide purchasing guidance and recommend recovered and post-consumer material content levels for a variety of blast media.


New Age Blast Media has been certified for permissible dry outdoor blasting under Executive Order G-06-053 by the California Air Resources Board. In 2005, the US Army Field Support Battalion needed to comply with new Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) regulations. The unit had been using copper slag which no longer met the new HAZMAT regulations. The results of the glass abrasive tests surpassed the Army’s expectations. The effectiveness of glass vs. slag was significant. Based on the results of the tests, the Unit has standardized the use of crushed glass abrasives for all future steel surface preparation needs.

Before & After Blasting with New Age Blast Media


Bridge Blasting - Before Crushed GlassBridge Blasting with Crushed Glass
Blasting with Crushed Glass - BeforeBlast Media
Blast MediaBlast Media