• Subscription fee will charged on the first business day of each month and will automatically renew each month (or year) unless cancelled in writing.
  • Subscription is available to eligible businesses and individuals and is non-transferable.
  • Subscription will be subject to a $500 fee if cancelled within the first 90 days. 
  • Product discounts are calculated from standard list prices established by Kramer Industries, Inc.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice.
  • Customer can cancel Kramer PRO at any time. No refund will be given for the fee charged in the month of cancellation.
  • Customer agrees that the person enrolling in Kramer PRO is authorized to accept these terms. 
  • Kramer Industries reserves the right to not accept new participants into Kramer PRO, to change the terms, or terminate this program, at its sole discretion at any time. 
  • Some customers may qualify for additional benefits.