In Response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Posted 5/19/20

It’s been an interesting few weeks as we have weathered this storm in the epicenter (NY/NJ region) of the pandemic. The Kramer team has been awesome as we have continued to learn how to operate the business while mostly working remotely.

In order to help keep our people be safe and germ-free in our facilities, we started offering a liquid (and now a gel) Hand Sanitizer. A couple of weeks ago, and as part of our effort to help everyone open back up, we started selling the Hand Sanitizer to our customers, neighbors, friends, and family. The response has been amazing!

It looks like we (read: the economy) are almost ready to open back up. There will be new guidelines and procedures we will all need to follow. Please know that Kramer is here to help. We are fully stocked with product and are ready to assist you as you ramp up your operations.


Posted 3/25/20

In compliance with the COVID-19 directives in the State of New Jersey per the Presidential Policy Directive (PPD-21) identifying 16 critical infrastructure sectors, Kramer Industries, Inc. has been identified as an ‘essential’ business and remains open during the time of crisis. Specifically, we are deemed as doing ‘industrial or manufacturing work’ in New Jersey. Additionally, we supply the Critical Infrastructure Sectors for Communications, Critical Manufacturing, Defense Industrial Base, Energy, Government Facilitie, Healthcare and Public Health, Transportation Systems, Water and Wastewater Systems, as well as others.

We continue to work with a smaller on-site staff and with utmost care to protect our employees, are doing everything possible to get shipments out on time to assist you to meet your deadlines and timelines.

If there is anything you need or have any questions at all, please call us at 888-515-9443 or email

Posted 3/16/20

Kramer Industries will continue to work and provide the very best service possible throughout this challenging period. We plan to stay up and running and will do all we can to process and ship orders, though we ask you to please be patient with us as we all deal with this situation.

For their safety and the safety of their families, much if not all of our team will be working remotely for the next week or so. We will have access to email and our office phones. Please feel free to reach out at any time if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your patience. These are challenging times, but we want you to know that we stand ready to help however we can.

Stay well and be safe.

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